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Ruby 中的 module_function 和 extend self异同

2019-10-26 19:30:05

在阅读开源的 Ruby 代码和编写可维护性的代码经常遇到这两者的使用,那么他们两者的共同点和区别是什么呢?


Ruby 的 module 是 method 和 constants 的集合。module 中的method 又可分为 instance method 和 module method, 当一个 module 被 include 进一个 class ,那么 module 中的 method (注:没有被 module_function 标记的 method)就是 class 中的 instance method, instance method 需要所在的 class 被实例化之后才能被调用;被 module_function 标记的 method(不管该 method 是 public 或者 private)就是 module method 且 instance method 也会变成 private method,对于被 include 所在的 class 来说是 private method,object.module_name 会出错。module method 都能被 module_name.method_name 调用,没有被 module_function 标记的 public method 不能被 module_name.method_name 调用。

module 中的 module_function 会把 module 中的 method 变成 module method 且对于被 include 所在的 class 来说,module method 在 module 中是 private method 故 module_name.module_method 能调用,而不能被 object.module_name 调用。

module 中的 public method 对于被 include 所在的 class 来说是 instance method,故 object.public_method_in_module 能调用。如果想要非 module method 能够被 module 调用(module_name.not_module_method) ,需要引入 extend self (下文会讨论 extend self)

# test.rbmodule MyModule def public_meth  p "a public method, if the module is included to a class , can be call as object.public_meth" end def module_method  p "a module method,can be called as module_name.module_method. but can not be call as object.module_method" end private def private_method_to_module_function  p "a private_method, but can be call as module_name.module_method, because it was assigned to module_function" end def private_method  p "I am a private method" end module_function :module_method, :private_method_to_module_functionendMyModule.module_methodMyModule.private_method_to_module_functionbegin MyModule.public_methrescue p "public method can not be called by module_name.public_meth"endbegin MyModule.private_methodrescue NoMethodError p "private method can not be called by module_name.module_method"endclass MyClass include MyModuleendobj = MyClass.newobj.public_methbegin obj.private_methodrescue NoMethodError p "private method in module can not be call by object.method_name"endbegin obj.module_methodrescue NoMethodError p "module method can not be called by object.method_name, for object, module method is private instance method"end#调用ruby test.rb"a module method,can be called as module_name.module_method. but can not be call as object.module_method""a private_method, but can be call as module_name.module_method, because it was assigned to module_function""public method can not be called by module_name.public_meth""private method can not be called by module_name.module_method""a public method, if the module is included to a class , can be call as object.public_meth""private method in module can not be call by object.method_name""module method can not be called by object.method_name, for object, module method is private instance method"            
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