2019-09-06 23:33:56
属性表标签(tab control)支持在每一个item上放Image 图片。在mfc下实现相当简单,可分为以下几步:
step1: create a bitmap resource with the images
/t you can also use icons or even create the images at run time.
/t the size of the images should be in proportion to the height
/t of the label.
step2: add member variable of type Cimagelist
/t protected:
/t/t CImagelist m_imagetab;
step3: Override OnInitDialog() and add code to it
/t bool CmyPropSheet::OnInitDialog()
/t {
/t/tbool bresult=CProperttySheet::OnInitDialog();
/t/tCTabCtrl *pTab=GetTabControl();
/t/ttc_item tcitem;
/t/tfor(int i=0;i<3;i++)
/t/t tcitem.iimage=i;
/t/t pTab->SetItem(i,&tcitem);
/t/treturn bresult;
/t }
C++Builder 没有提供 SetImageList,SetItem这样的函数,但我们可以直接处理WINDOWS API 消息:TCM_SETIMAGELIST,TCM_SETITEM. 看下面的代码可以体会不同的编程风格。
void __fastcall TForm1::FormPaint(TObject *Sender)
TabControl1->Perform ( TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, ImageList1->Handle );
TCITEM tcitem;
tcitem.mask=TCIF_IMAGE ;
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
/tTabControl1->Perform ( TCM_SETITEM, i,(LPARAM) (LPTCITEM) &tcitem );